SAS Tanvald district
Type of social service:
Social activation services for families with children
Identification number:
The service in TURNOV district has been funded in years 2018 and 2019 through the project„Support and Development of Social Services for Families and Children in Liberec Region“ registration number CZ.03.2.60/0.0/0.0/15_005/0002734.
Public procurement: „Providing „Social activation services for families with children“ in Liberec region“
Contracting authority: the Liberec region
Civil society organisation D.R.A.K., Oblačná 450/1, 460 05 Liberec 5
CRN 266 36 328
Target groups:
Families with children
The age range corresponds to that of family members (children, parents and grandparents).
The provision of the service is conditioned by either having permanent residence in the Liberec region or ties to it (sojourn, employment, family ties etc.).
When and where is the service provided:
Poradna Tanvald: U Školky 579, Tanvald, opening hours: Thursday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., or as agreed
The service can also be provided in your home setting, after an agreement. The streetworkers can be contacted Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
What can we help with?
Educational and activization activities,
facilitating social contact,
social therapy,
help with asserting the clients‘ rights and interests and managing their affairs,
basic social counselling and facilitating expert social counselling if needed.
This means that the social worker can provide support to the families for example in the following areas: child care and education, obtaining compensation aids, advising about relationship problems, job seeking, finding accommodation, financial management and debt advice or connecting with institutions, schools, authorities and other organizations.
Facultative activities
No facultative services are offered.
Making use of the service
Contact the counsellors either in person at the counselling centres or call or email using the information provided below:

Mgr. Tatiana Humeníková
Tanvald district
phone: +420 607 013 204

Bc. Martina Klingerová
Tanvald district
phone.: +420 702 020 398

Zuzana Peštová
Tanvald district
phone.: +420 607 013 205
1. Upon first contact the client is always registered in the First contacts forms.
2. We help the client fill out the application form which is kept either in their folder or in the pending applications folder (waiting list for capacity reasons).
3. We also give the client Service internal rules and Complaint procedure instructions to become familiar with them.
4. Then we create an agreement with the client, who reads it and any questions are answered.
5. Written agreements are preferred. If for any reason the client is unable to assess the agreement and if the client requests it, the counsellor will inform them about the contents of the agreement and the parties will enter the agreement using the Record of oral agreement form.
If an agreement is made it will conform to all the requirements declared in § 91 of Act No. 108/20016 Sb. on social services as subsequently amended.. The agreement may not be entered if any reasons given there become relevant to the case in question.
The service cannot be provided anonymously.
Service setting
The service is provided in our Tanvald counselling centre or in your home setting. We want to be close to you to make the service accessible to the greatest number of clients possible. A wheelchair accessible room can be arranged if requested beforehand.
The Tanvald counselling centre is located in a nursery school building at the housing estate Výšina, at the first floor (no elevator). You can access the counselling centre on foot, by (there is a free car park near the building) or by bus, Tanvald housing estate stop. The premises contain an office, counselling room, a small kitchen, play room, a wheelchair accessible toilet, sheltered workshop and a clothes donation room where we can provide basic items of clothing or other necessary pieces of equipment. Upon request it is also possible to use other pieces of equipment such as a computer connected to internet or toys for children. The meetings usually take place in a room where only the counsellor and the client are present. The counsellor members has the necessary equipment (phone, computer, internet access, copy machine, scanner) at their disposal.
If the service is provided in home setting, its security for both the client and the counsellor must be ensured.
The maximum capacity is 1 meeting in the centre and 2 in the client’s home setting at any one time. This means that the service can be provided to 3 clients at any one time at maximum.
The service is provided for free.
Service rules
The meetings with clients are ambulatory, in the centre or their home setting (home, school, institutions etc.). The client always has one counsellor (key counsellor) working with them. The meetings take place according the arrangement between the client and the counsellor on workdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. The duration of the service depends on the severity of the problem and is regulated by the Service provision agreement. Its usual duration does not exceed two years.
A condition necessary for the provision of the service is the client’s initiative and active cooperation. We respect clients‘ wishes and needs and make sure they are reflected in the individual plan of the service. The client’s participation is always voluntary and the client can terminate the service at any moment.
Rights and duties of client and the service provider for download,
available in printed form at the counselling centres and given to the clients upon entering into the agreement.
Complaint procedure
Filing a complaint, proposal or a point of order cannot be to the detriment of the complaining party or the client on whose behalf it was made. The complaining party may not suffer any injury to their rights and interests as a consequence of filling in a complaint even if that complaint has proved to be unsubstantiated.
A complaint, proposal or point of order can be filed anonymously – it will be investigated in the same manner as when the complaining party is known. The form that a complaint, proposal or a point of order can take is not prescribed. It can be written (emailed, posted or put in designated boxes at all our centres) or oral.
Any complaint, proposal or a point of order is chronologically recorded under its order number in D.R.A.K.’s Wishes and Complaints Record. Every complaint, proposal or a point of order gets its own folder with the same order number it has in D.R.A.K’s Wishes and Complaints Record.
The details of the process can be found in Process Rules for Complaints, Proposals and Points of Order.
Complaints regarding the service can also be filed at the local municipality with extended competence (for the counselling centres in Tanvald. it is the Tanvald municipal authority). If necessary it is also possible to contact the Regional Authority of the Liberec Region or the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Service termination rules
Both parties have right to terminate the service provision agreement. The client needs to give no reason to terminate the service, the provider can do so only for the following reasons:
- the client behaves to the staff in a manner degrading their dignity or endangering their safety
The client persists in violating the service rules and or does not perform the duties stated in the service provision agreement or its appendices,
the client has made no use of the service for more than 2 months,
the provider has terminated operations,
The service is also terminated by the expiration of the agreement.
The termination of the service is always recorded in D.R.A.K’s client’s folder.
Effective since1. 1. 2020 the service in Tanvald district will be merged with the one provided in Turnov district and extended to Železný Brod district.
Download detailed service description effective since 1.1.2020